Llais Ifanc Reloaded

Thursday, November 25, 2004

A Foolish Game

A new "game" (and I use that word loosely) has appeared in recent days.

The game is a recreation of the Kennedy assassination called JFK: Reloaded. The reaction to the "game" has been mostly negative, with Ted Kennedy calling it "despicable". In response to all the bad press, the developer has gone into spin mode, claiming the game is educational way to get people interested in history. I feel it's a cop-out. If the developer intends the game to be educational, then why doesn't the developer include some information on whom JFK was? On that same thought, if the "game" is educational, why is the developer offering the player 100,000 USD to (for lack of a better word) the winner. It all seems like a farce to me.

In short, this "game" is sick. Sadly, it seems like anything (including the death of an Usian hero) is fair game. What a shame.


  • I have downloaded the game and tried it. It is despicable, but not for the reasons the spokesman of the Kennedy family is alluding to. It is to rigid. The results of the shots are always the same no matter where you choose to shoot. If you shoot JFK when the limo first rounds the corner from Main and enters Dealy plaza, a longer shot from the front, the wounds end up the same. So it "locks" you into the forensic results of the Warren Commission. I would not be surprised if it isn't ultimately some propaganda tool of those that wish to sell you the eternal "party line" that Oswald acted alone. Maybe the next version of this game should allow you to shoot from different locations, i.e. the Grassy knoll, the railroad bridge, in the sewer, and you should have a choice of weapons. And also I would like to see a game of Teddy boy boozing it up at his beach house, then driving his car off the bridge at Chappaquidick....and then try to dive in and save Mary Jo...now that would truly be an historical event worth recreating and analyzing now, wouldn't it?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:03 PM  

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