Llais Ifanc Reloaded

Monday, February 07, 2005

Bitter Coffee

This episode of the Apprentice was very nice!

Our two teams were ask to build a PR for Nescafe's Taster's Choice coffee. Magna was crippled from the start. Verna, who ditched them last week, finally left. After they went though that, Danny was picked as the task leader. He was unable to make clear desions when they needed to be made; instead he waited until the last minute. A sign of bad decision making was signing a contact with an event planner without any idea on what to do (in any case, the planner did well). In the end, they opted for a "to go" theme, giving out coffee coupons and having an iPod giveaway. Very, very dumb.

Net Worth was in better shape. They settled on a patriotic theme that show two actors "debating" the merits of hot and cold coffee. They also gave out coffee samples in both varieies and had a 10,000 USD giveaway. Very, very, smart! In the end, they won by thinking big. The boardroom was was very good! During Magna's task, Michael abused his exemption he earned during Magna's last win by not pulling his weight and not working with others. Being lead by Erin (who is hot -- BTW), the rest of the team attempted to get Trump to scrap Michael's exemption. It failed because he wanted to stick to the rules. In the end, Danny was fired for lack of leadership.

I felt he was a bad fit all around. Besides that, I doubt anyone from Magna will win. They all should just go and get jobs with the Illinois GOP!


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