Llais Ifanc Reloaded

Friday, April 08, 2005

Roll to Grow?

I watch a lot of TV. Too much - maybe - but I leave that to the reader.

In that time, I also see a lot of adverts. Most are for the hypocrites - (spiritual and temporal), issue ads, and the like.

Sometimes I have seen adverts for products that are downright weird. In this class, the Roll n Grow fills this niche. It claims to be a sheet filled with seeds you water with soil. Plants will spout if you make the effort.

Am I the only one who thinks this is a bit over the top and lazy? Did our ancestors spead their rug out and water? I don't think so! If you want to grow plants, try to do it the real way. Besides the lazy factor, is this seed-filled rug safe for the Earth?

If you want to waste 20 bucks (US$) on this gizmo, be my guest.


  • Actually, it claims to be made out environmentally friendly and biodegradable material.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:16 PM  

  • If I see an ad in that standard "as-seen-on-tv" format, I assume the product is shoddy, doesn't work, is basically a rip-off, and I'd be embarrassed to buy it.


    Admittedly I saw this ad, looked out my window at my tiny apartment patio full of gardening failures, and wondered hopefully in the back of my mind if maybe it really *would* work...

    Yeah it's lazy, but I still wish it worked.

    : )

    By Blogger Kelsey, at 11:44 PM  

  • Well, I'M going to try it. I've got tons of other stuff to do, and am growing tomatoes and herbs the natural way. I'll let ya know if this thing is any good.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:25 PM  

  • I've just seen the add about this Roll n'Grow product.My problem is not that i'm lazy or the cost,but i'm physicaly disabled so i can not do traditional gardening the old fashion way.
    If anybody has tried this product,please let me know if it's working or not.I would hate to be made a fool of by some TV add. Thanks a lot!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:57 PM  

  • for twenty bucks I figure it's worth a try to get 20 feet of flowers that will bloom all year long... I was actually looking for the website to order when I got this blog in my search. I was excited when I saw the ad because it's expensive to buy seeds with as much variety as they are offering.
    I hope it works for me!
    I do have to admit that the advertisement is over the top with the woman getting frustrated opening the seed packets! They are totally targeting the lazy. I guess they got me.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:27 PM  

  • If it works, why knock it?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:58 PM  

  • I am a new gardener but I say don't waste your time. I bought the advertised roll n grow and a couple other varieties. A week or two later bought regular seeds. My seeds have already started to sprout. All varieties of the roll n grow seem to be duds. One variety seemed to sprout within the paper but never popped through. It now looks like rotting paper towels. The green roll n grow isn't coming apart as it should, it's turning white with very very few sprouts. That area is not attractive at all. I have now started to manually tear it apart and push it into the ground. I am hoping at least some will start to grow soon. The regular seeds which were planted about two weeks later are already approximately an inch high.
    I even planted my seeds after the garden employees said it as too late in the season.
    Like I mentioned above I am new at this but I can pass on my experience with the advertised seeds and the old fashion packaged seeds.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:28 PM  

  • I agree, Please don't waste your time because it doesn't work. I bought my piece of junk a month and a half ago.... it still didn't grow anything. They even said it suppose to surpress weed ... uh! That didn't work either. Now in the area that I placed it; it looks like dried out paper towel thats getting burn by the heat of the sun. I'm going to get my money back even if it's $20. ( too bad I can't get the $7 shipping back) DON"T BUY THIS JUNK!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:30 AM  

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