Llais Ifanc Reloaded

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Then There Were Two

The Apprentice this week was amazing. Trump asked the four remaining candidates to meet him in Trump World Tower. They were then put though the gruelling interview process. Last year, Trump used members of his staff for interviews. This year he outsouced the interviews to his corporate buddies. Kevin came off as full of knowledge, but unsure were to he wanted to do; Kelly was a winner to all concerned; Jennifer M. seemed the best to adjust to corporate life. Sandy, on the other hand, seemed unable to cope with corporate life. It also came out that she had dropped out of college to start the bridal shop. That hurt. This caused rows between Jennifer M. and Sandy.

Needless to say, Kevin and Sandy were fired.

After Kevin and Sandy were fired, Kelly was charged to run a Polio match. Jennifer M. was asked to do the same for a charity Basketball game that was to feature some NBA players. Last year, the last six candidates who were fired were used as employees. This year Trump used a mix of the previous 16 candidates as employees.

Kelly picked a team who didn't care about him, feeling that they had already been through the ringer. Jennifer M.'s team worked well, but had problems when Chris Webber told them he would do their event, then backed out. Besides having a team who didn't care, Kelly faced problems with the weather not being the best for the polio match.

I feel like things are getting good!

More next week!


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