Llais Ifanc Reloaded

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Moving, Part 2

I realized I haven't blogged in a while.

Since my last post, me and the family have arrived in Cherry Point. The area is nice. As with all things The Man owns, there are plenty of shops, a church, library and a gym. The house is pretty average, close to sub-par. Since arriving in this happy aboe, I have been in a unique kind of purgatory.

Interesting days indeed.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


I am leaving Norfolk at the end of the week. As we speak, the family and me have 24 hours left here. These two years have been very eventful. Events have ranged from a war to a big storm.

Throughout all that, I have grown. And survived.

I am moving to Cherry Point. When I get there, I am looking forward to getting off my bum and exploring my world and making a mark in my surroundings.

I know I will.

Sunday, June 13, 2004


Yesterday I saw the new Garfield movie. Contrary to the reviews, I felt the movie was very good. However, I felt the movie was too short and left me hanging. In some reviews, I have heard complaints that the movie added a lot to the comic strip. Personally, I tell them to stuff it. If you had a comic strip with just the base characters and few plots, would you pad more details on in the movie? On another note, it's good to see Jennifer Love Hewitt back in something. Bottom line: this is a pretty good film. I might get the DVD.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Now he belongs to the ages, Part 2

Ray Charles has died.

I have always had a good vibe about Ray Charles. For starters, his songs such as Georgia On My Mind and America The beautiful are ingrained in me and perhaps everyone else.

Ray Charles was a class act. He will be missed.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Upgrade Day, Part 2

The Mozilla folks have released Mozilla Firefox 0.9 RC and Mozilla 1.7 RC3.

Try them out now!

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Bowling, Part 3

Yesterday, I went bowling again. My friend is getting better, while my dad is the champ. Personally I did way better than last, scoring 111 points in one game and getting four spares and a strike.

Even though I lost I still rock!

Now He Belongs to the Ages

Ronald Reagan has died.

I won't bore you with the details of his life (Wikipedia is your friend for that). I heard about his passing while bowling (that have TV's setup for that). I am genuinely shocked! Our nation has lost a true legend and a man who put principle and love of country above politics. IMHO, he reenergized the spirit that unites our common Usian family.

I send my sympathies to Mrs. Reagan and her family during this time of grief.

(BTW: The title of this post is the quote Edwin Stanton uttered when hearing of Lincoln's death.)

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Bowling, Part 2

Yesterday I went bowling. It was fun although I lost again. However, I scored four spares and a strike.

Good for me!

I still think I have missed my calling.